
Revolution John publishes whenever and whatever he wants. Occasionally, Spring issues will have guest editors choosing work according to a particular theme.

We’re not able to pay (absolutely *no one* here is being paid anything and I’m only doing this to show the world writing I truly think is cool), but will use our social media reach to promote your work as far and wide as we can. We also nominate for awards and anthologies, when we can (the ones I know about, anyway).

Revolution John welcomes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction written in a wide variety of genres and styles, with the following guidelines. Prose submissions (250-3500 words) must be formatted in double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman. Poetry (up to 3 per submission) can be single-spaced.

We accept submissions on a rolling basis, except for during May and December. That’s “me” time. Submit to revolutionjohnjournal AT Cover letters should be short and to the point with a bio. Work can be attached or put into the email body.

If you’ve got the piece submitted somewhere else, let us know if it’s accepted elsewhere. We’ll be thrilled for you.

Now send in some cool shit and revolutionize us.