Contributors/Past Contributors

STEVE LAMBERT’S writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Saw Palm, Chiron Review, New Contrast (South Africa), The Pinch, Broad River Review, Longleaf Review, Emrys Journal, BULL Fiction, Into the Void, Cowboy Jamboree, Cortland Review, and many other places. In 2015 he won third place in Glimmer Train’s Very Short Fiction contest and in 2018 he won Emrys Journal’s Nancy Dew Taylor Poetry Prize. He is the recipient of four Pushcart Prize nominations and was a Rash Award in Fiction finalist. He is the author of the poetry collection Heat Seekers (CW Books, 2017), the chapbook In Eynsham (CW Books, 2020) and the fiction collection The Patron Saint of Birds (Cowboy Jamboree, 2020). His novel, Philisteens, was published in May 2021, and his second full-length poetry collection, The Shamble, was published that October, both with Close to The Bone Publishing. He lives in Northeast Florida, with his wife and daughter, where he teaches part-time at the University of North Florida.  

SPENCER K. M. BROWN is is a poet and novelist from North Carolina. He is the winner of the 2016 Penelope Niven Award, 2018 Flying South Fiction Prize, and a finalist for the Thomas Wolfe Prize. His second novel, Hold Fast, will be published this fall.

JOHN B. RILEY has published poetry and fiction in Smokelong Quarterly, The Ekphrastic Review, Better Than Starbucks, Banyan Review, Connotation Press, Fiction Daily, The Molotov Cocktail, Dead Mule, St. Anne’s Review, and numerous other anthologies and journals both online and in print. He has also published over thirty books of nonfiction for young readers.

CYRIL WONG is a poet and fictionist in Singapore.

WILSON KOEWING is a writer from South Carolina. His work is forthcoming in Wigleaf, Gargoyle, Scrawl Place and Autofocus. His memoir “Bridges” is forthcoming from Bull City Press.

DAVID BARKER is an American writer from Indianapolis, Indiana. He’s also a middle school social studies teacher. He lives with his wife and five pets.

BRYAN D. PRICE’S poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Posit, Pioneertown, Rhino Poetry, and elsewhere. He lives in San Diego, CA with his wife, a dog, and a cat. He is a history teacher by trade.

MATTHEW CHELF was born and raised rural Kentucky, lived in West Virginia for his early adulthood, and currently resides in Portland, Oregon, where he teaches reading and writing at Portland Community College. His writing has been featured in The Hunger, ARMSTRONG Literary, and Random Sample Review. 

GREGG WILLIARD is a writer and visual artist. He grew up in Columbus, Ohio and Brooklyn, New York. Presently and now lives in Madison, Wisconsin. He teachs ESL to refugees and does a book reading show on WORT radio.

S.T. BRANT is a teacher from Las Vegas. Pubs in/coming from EcoTheo, Timber, Door is a Jar, Santa Clara Review, Rain Taxi, New South, Green Mountains Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Ekstasis, 8 Poems, a few others. You can find him on Twitter @terriblebinth or Instagram @shanelemagne. 

MARKHAM SIGLER is from Corpus Christi, TX. His work has appeared in Every Day Fiction and Molotov Cocktail.

GWIL JAMES THOMAS is a novelist, poet and inept musician. He lives in his hometown of Bristol, England, but has also lived in London, Brighton and Spain. He has twice been nominated for The Best of The Net and once for The Pushcart Prize. His two most recent poetry chapbooks are Lonesome Wholesome Soup (Holy & Intoxicated Publications) and Under The Same Moon (Between Shadows Press) a split with the poet Tohm Bakelas. He plans to one day build a house, amongst other things. 

RICKY GARNI lives in suburban North Carolina and works as a photographer and writer. His work has been published most recently in the Blake Jones Review, Tilted House, and Can We Have Our Ball Back? A GLORIOUS GALLOP V. AN ADAGIO OF INDIFFERENCE – his latest and lengthiest collection – was released in December, 2020.

IVÁN BRAVE lives and works in his hometown of Houston, Texas, where he begins his PhD in Spanish Creative Writing this fall. His work can be found or is forthcoming in Tilted House, Copperfield Review, Corvus, Bureau of Complaint, Acentos Review, and many more, including two published novels available on Amazon, about youth, pop music, and the artist struggle. Learn more at 

MICHAEL GRANT SMITH wears sleeveless T-shirts, weather permitting. His writing appears in elimae, The Cabinet of Heed, The Airgonaut, Ellipsis Zine, Spelk, Bending Genres, MoonPark Review, Okay Donkey, trampset, Tiny Molecules, and elsewhere. Michael resides in Ohio. He has traveled to Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Cincinnati. For more Michael, please visit and @MGSatMGScom.

COURTNEY LEBLANC is the author of the full-length collections Exquisite Bloody, Beating Heart (Riot in Your Throat) and Beautiful & Full of Monsters (Vegetarian Alcoholic Press). She is also the founder and editor-in-chief of Riot in Your Throat, an independent poetry press. She loves nail polish, tattoos, and a soy latte each morning. Read her publications on her blog: Follow her on twitter: @wordperv, and IG: @wordperv79

Poet and songwriter PAUL ILECHKO is the author of three chapbooks, most recently “Pain Sections” (Alien Buddha Press). His work has appeared in a variety of journals, including The Night Heron Barks, Rogue Agent, Ethel, San Pedro River Review, Lullwater Review, and Book of Matches. He lives with his partner in Lambertville, NJ.

MIKE JAMES makes his home outside Nashville, Tennessee. He has published in numerous magazines, large and small, throughout the country. His many poetry collections include: Leftover Distances (Luchador), Parades (Alien Buddha), Jumping Drawbridges in Technicolor (Blue Horse), and Crows in the Jukebox (Bottom Dog.) He has received multiple Pushcart and Best of the Net nominations. 

MARIJEAN ELIZABETH is an ex-evangelical, decolonizing writer residing in the Midwest with her two daughters. She can be found on Instagram @regressada.

CHARLES J. MARCH III is a faux-poet, quasi-writer, pseudo-musician, and counterfeit-artist currently living in California. His pieces have appeared in such places as the Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, in the toilet, and in the trash. Last year he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into Blood Tree Literature’s hybrid contest, and wound up winning third place. PBS once contacted him regarding his work, but it didn’t work out. Less can be found at LinkedIn & SoundCloud.

THEA ZIMMER’S short stories appear in such publications as Fringe(Emerson), Hobart, Filth Lit Mag, r.kv.r.y quarterly, Mannequin Haus, New Dead Families, Unlikely Stories of the Third Kind, Infinity’s Kitchen, Hackwriters, Dial Magazine(The New School), and others. She’s working on a short-story collection. She’s also the librettist for a dystopic multimedia opera and the scriptwriter for a virtual-reality experience promoting peaceful coexistence.

BRADFORD NOLEN is a writer, writing instructor, and organizer of literary arts events. He is also a managing editor with and a founding member of Mobile Canon Literary Arts Collective.

CHRIS BULLARD lives in Philadelphia. He received his B.A. in English from the University of Pennsylvania and his M.F.A. from Wilkes University. Grey Book Press published Continued, a poetry chapbook, in 2020 and Moonstone Press recently published Going Peaceably to the Obsidian Knife, his chapbook of environmentally themed poetry. His work has appeared in recent issues of Nimrod, Muse/A Journal, The Woven Tale, Red Coyote, Cutthroat and The Offbeat.

WILLIE DAVIS, from Whitesburg, Kentucky, is the winner of The Willesden Herald Short Story Prize, The Katherine Anne Porter Prize, and a fellowship from The Kentucky Arts Council. His fiction has appeared in The Guardian, Salon, The Kenyon Review, and The Berkeley Fiction Review. He is the author of the novel Nightwolf. 

Originally from Michigan, BRAD LIENING currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He’s the author of Deep State Come Shining (PS Hudson).

STEVE PASSEY is from Southern Alberta. He is the author of the collections Forty-Five Minutes of Unstoppable Rock and Cemetery Blackbirds, and many other individual things.

Although TERRENCE SYKES is a GASP (Gay Alcoholic Southern Poet) and a far better gardener & forager & cook …..his poetry & photography & flash fiction has been published in Bangladesh, Canada, Ireland ,India, Mauritius, Pakistan, Scotland, Spain & USA….born and raised in the rural coal mining area of Virginia … this isolation brings the theme of remembrance to his creations — whether real or imagined.

NANCY K. DOBSON enjoys writing both poetry and fiction. She’s been published in a variety of journals including Quince, Capsule Stories, and Madcap Review. Her perfect day includes yoga, a chai latte, and some cocktail jazz. Twitter @nancy_dobson.

JANET SAVAGE lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two dogs. Previous work has been accepted for  publication in Every Day Fiction, A Harvard Magazine for FairyTales, and Stanford Magazine.

HOWIE GOOD’S latest poetry collection, Gun Metal Sky, is due in early 2021 from Thirty West Publishing,

LARRY SMITH is a poet, fiction writer, and editor-director of Bottom Dog Press. A native of the Ohio River Valley, his work echoes back to his sense of Appalachia, then and now. He is a professor emeritus of Bowling Green State University living peacefully along the shores of Lake Erie.

D.S.G. BURKE (she/her) lives and writes in New York City. Her writing has appeared in the Seattle Times, 3Elements Literary Review, and Stinger Stories. Follow her on Twitter/Instagram: @dsgburke.

FREDERICK POLLACK is the author of two book-length narrative poems, THE ADVENTURE and HAPPINESS (Story Line Press; the former to be reissued by Red Hen Press), and two collections, A POVERTY OF WORDS (Prolific Press, 2015) and LANDSCAPE WITH MUTANT (Smokestack Books, UK, 2018). Many other poems in print and online journals.

On the backside of a long journalism career, STUART WATSON now devotes his energies exclusively to poetry, essay and short fiction. His work reflects a love of human diversity, and a twisted view of reality. Watson loves writing that pushes narrative technique, everything from Raymond Carver to the Barthelmes (Donald and Frederick), Flannery O’Connor to Joy Williams, Charles Bukowski to William Kotzwinkle, Barry Hannah to Eudora Welty. He doesn’t try to emulate them, but admits that, like all the voices in the world, they certainly must infect his writing. Watson’s writing daily decorated miles of newsprint, and has appeared most recently in The Maine Review, Two Hawks Quarterly and Wanderlust Journal.

BEN NARDOLILLI currently lives in New York City. His work has appeared in Perigee Magazine, Red Fez, Danse Macabre, The 22 Magazine, Quail Bell Magazine, Elimae, The Northampton Review, Local Train Magazine, The Minetta Review, and Yes Poetry. He blogs at and is trying to publish his novels.

COREY MESLER has been published in numerous anthologies and journals including Poetry, Gargoyle, Five Points, Good Poems American Places, and New Stories from the South. He has published over 20 books of fiction and poetry. His newest novel, Camel’s Bastard Son, is from Cabal Books. He also wrote the screenplay for We Go On, which won The Memphis Film Prize in 2017. With his wife he runs Burke’s Book Store (est. 1875) in Memphis.

ACE BOGGESS is author of five books of poetry—Misadventure, I Have Lost the Art of Dreaming It So, Ultra Deep Field, The Prisoners, and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled—and the novels States of Mercy and A Song Without a Melody. His writing has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Mid-American Review, Rattle, River Styx, and many other journals. He received a fellowship from the West Virginia Commission on the Arts and spent five years in a West Virginia prison. He lives in Charleston, West Virginia. His sixth collection, Escape Envy, is forthcoming from Brick Road Poetry Press in 2021.

JOE GIORDANO’s stories have appeared in more than one hundred magazines including The Saturday Evening Post, and Shenandoah. His novels, Birds of Passage, An Italian Immigrant Coming of Age Story (2015), and Appointment with ISIL, an Anthony Provati Thriller (2017) were published by Harvard Square Editions. Rogue Phoenix Press published Drone Strike (2019) and his short story collection, Stories and Places I Remember (2020). Joe was among one hundred Italian American authors honored by Barnes & Noble to march in Manhattan’s 2017 Columbus Day Parade. Read the first chapter of Joe’s novels and sign up for his blog at

JOHN TIMOTHY ROBINSON is a mainstream poet of inwardness from the Kanawha Valley in Mason County, West Virginia.  His 161 literary works have appeared in 111 journals throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Poland and Germany.  He is also a published printmaker with ninety-seven art images and photographs appearing in journals, electronic and print in the United States, Italy, Ireland and the United kingdom.

TIMOTHY DODD is from Mink Shoals, WV, and is the author of Fissures, and Other Stories (Bottom Dog Press, 2019). Cave-based and 71% Luddite, he’s still punching a few social media buttons: find his artwork on Instagram @timothybdoddartwork, and his writing on his “Timothy Dodd, Writer” Facebook page. Bring a cupcake and dill pickle ’cause you’ll probably be the only one there.

JACK WADDY BULLION’S fiction has appeared previously in the Texas Review, Five Quarterly, and Cowboy Jamboree. He lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with his wife and daughters.

CODY SEXTON is a book critic and lead writer for where he chronicles his lifelong obsession with the written word. He has been featured at The Indie View, Writer Shed Stories, The Diverse Perspective, Detritus, and As It Ought To Be Magazine.

WILLIAM R. SOLDAN is a writer in the Rust Belt. He is the author of the story collections In Just the Right Light and Lost in the Furrows, as well as the forthcoming poetry collection So Fast, So Close and two more books of fiction. His work has been published widely online and in print, some of which can be found at if you’d like to read more. He currently resides in Youngstown, Ohio, with his wife and their two children.

JEREMY PERRY is an American writer whose books and stories span many genres. He studied at Indiana University Southeast and graduated from Penn Foster Career School with a diploma in freelance writing. His stories have appeared in literary magazines such as Cowboy Jamboree, Story and Grit, Plumb Journal, Variety Pack, and Hello America. His books include Chicken Liver Blues, Hard Luck, Moonshiner’s Justice, Brothers of the Mountain, and Under the Willow Tree. Jeremy Perry lives and writes in southern Indiana. For all book and story news visit

BERIT ELLINGSEN is the author of three novels, Now We Can See The Moon(Snuggly Books), Not Dark Yet (Two Dollar Radio), and Une ville vide(PublieMonde), a collection of short stories, Beneath the Liquid Skin (Queen’s Ferry Press), and a mini-collection of dark fairy-tales, Vessel and Solsvart (Snuggly Books).  Her work has been published in W.W. Norton’s Flash Fiction International, SmokeLong Quarterly, Unstuck, Litro, Lightspeed Magazine, and other places, and been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and the British Science Fiction Association Award. Berit is a member of the Norwegian Authors’ Union.

YASHI SEYEDBAGHERI is a graduate of Colorado State University’s MFA program in fiction. His story, “Soon,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.  Yash’s stories are forthcoming or have been published in Café Lit, Mad Swirl, 50 Word Stories, and Ariel Chart, among others.

FIN SORREL is the author of CARAMEL FLOODS (pski porch, 2017) and SAND LIBRARY (abp, 2018) he runs mannequin haus (

GJ HART currently lives and works in Brixton, London and has been published or has work upcoming in The Jersey Devil Press, The Harpoon Review, 99 Pine Street, The Jellyfish Review, Foliate OakThe Eunoia Review, and others.

JOHN D ROBINSON was born 63 in the UK. His poems have appeared widely in the small press and online literary Journals; Bareback Lit; Red Fez; Dead Snakes; Bold Monkeys; Your One Phone Call; Yellow Mama; Zombie Logic Review; Hobo Camp Review; Napalm & Novocain; Outsider Poetry; His latest poetry collection, When You Hear The Bell, There’s Nowehere To Hide, carries an introduction by John Grochalski and is published by Holy&intoxicated Publications.

DAVID HAMMOND lives in Northern Virginia with three females who are way more talented than he is. He’s still trying to move things with his mind. More of his writing can be found at

SANJEEV SETHI has published three books of poetry. This Summer and That Summer (Bloomsbury, 2015) is his latest work. His poems have found a home in  The London MagazineThe Fortnightly Review, Ink Sweat and Tears, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Galway Review, The Open Mouse, I am not a Silent Poet, Otoliths, Anti-Heroin Chic, and elsewhere. Poems are forthcoming in Futures Trading, Drunk Monkeys, Linden Avenue Literary Journal, Yellow Chair ReviewThe Bitchin’ Kitsch and Of/with:. He lives in Mumbai, India.

CATHY ULRICH is an average-sized person who can’t always reach things on the top shelf. Her fiction has been featured in a variety of journals, including Rose Red Review, Pidgeonholes, and Monkeybicycle.

Retired now, DONAL MAHONEY worked many years as an editor in the Catholic and secular press. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri.

CHELSEA LAINE WELLS has been published in PANK, Hobart, Knee-Jerk, The Butter, Third Point Press, wigleaf, and Heavy Feather, among others, and won a 2015 Best of the Net award. She is managing and fiction editor for Hypertext Magazine and founding editor of Hypernova Lit. You can find out more about her and read more of her work at

JEFFREY ZABLE is a teacher and conga drummer who plays Afro Cuban Folkloric
music for dance classes and Rumbas around the San Francisco Bay Area. His poetry, fiction, and non-fiction have appeared in hundreds of literary magazines and anthologies. Recent writing in Serving House Journal,Futures Trading, Unscooped Bagel, Mocking Heart Review, Houseboat (featured poet), 2015 Rhysling Anthology, Poetry Pacific, Abbreviate Journal, Third Wednesday, Mas Tequila, Bookends Review, Weirderary and many others.

SAM KENDALL works in trucking and lives in Charlotte, NC with five humans, three dogs, and a snake.

JERENY TACKETT is a father, husband, poet, pagan, nature lover, ghost hunter, scribe, cryptozoologist, noisemaker, codebreaker, and liberal. Sometimes NSFW. Find him on Twitter @JerenyTackett.

JON SINDELL wrote the flash–fiction collection The Roadkill Collection (Big Table Publishing, 2014) and the long–story collection Family Happiness (2016). He curates the San Francisco–based reading series Rolling Writers and is a fulltime personal humanities tutor. He used to practice law.

J. BRADLEY is the author of the flash fiction chapbook, No More Stories About The Moon (Lucky Bastard Press, 2016), and the linked short story collection The Adventures of Jesus Christ, Boy Detective (Pelekinesis, 2016). He lives

MATTHEW DEXTER is an American author living in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. His fiction has been published in hundreds of literary journals and dozens of anthologies. He writes abhorrent freelance pieces for exorbitant amounts of pesos to pay the bills while drinking cervezas in paradise with tourists. He is the author of the novel The Ritalin Orgy (Perpetual Motion Machine Publishing, 2013). His second novel, third novel, debut memoir, and debut story collection are forthcoming.

FRANK REARDON was born in 1974 in Boston, Massachusetts, currently lives in Minot, North Dakota. Frank has been published in many reviews, journals and online zines. His first book, Interstate Chokehold, was published by NeoPoiesis Press in 2009 as well as his second collection Nirvana Haymaker 2012. His third poetry collection Blood Music was published by Punk Hostage Press late 2013. In 2014 Reardon published a chapbook with Dog On A Chain Press titled The Broken Halo Blues. Frank is currently working on fiction, and short fiction.

JESSE EAGLE is the editor of the online flash fiction journal DOGZPLOT.

CHRIS MILAM lives in the bucolic wasteland that is Hamilton, Ohio. He vapes strawberry shortcake e-liquid like a madman between frequent naps. His stories have appeared in WhiskeyPaperJellyfish ReviewBartleby Snopes, the Molotov Cocktail, and elsewhere.

RUSTY BARNES, a member of the National Book Critics Circle, has published three books of poems and three books of fiction, including the flash fiction collectionBreaking it Down and the novel Reckoning. His work has appeared in over two hundred journals and anthologies, among them Post Road, Change Seven, Red Rock Review, Barn Owl Review, and Interstice. He is sole proprietor of Fried Chicken and Coffee, a blogazine of rural and Appalachian literature and concerns.

LEILA K. NORAKO is a scholar of medieval English literature and a poet who currently calls the San Francisco Bay Area home. She is fast at work on two poetry projects at present: a chapbook of poems about Iceland, and a series of poems that meditate on loss and its aftershocks. Starting this Fall, she will be an Assistant Professor of English at The University of Washington. She writes about the intersections of medieval and modern cultures on her blog, In Romaunce as We Rede, and also makes occasional appearances on Twitter (@Na_Pomaikai).

A former contributor to The Village Voice and Rolling StoneROBERT LEVIN is the author of “When Pacino’s Hot, I’m Hot: A Miscellany of Stories and Commentary” (The Drill Press), and the coauthor and coeditor, respectively, of two collections of essays about jazz and rock in the ’60s: “Music & Politics,” with John Sinclair (World Publishing) and “Giants of Black Music,” with Pauline Rivelli (Da Capo Press).

ZACH SMITH is a graduate of Chestnut Hill College and has been writing for more than a dozen years. He has struggled his entire life with Dyslexia and has worked very hard to write at the level he does today. His work has previously appeared in: Fast-Forward Festival, the Short Humor Site, and Schlock Magazine, among others.

KATIE MOORE is the founder of a little literary magazine called The Legendary, a coffee shop manager, an improv actor, and a proud mother. She writes because her life depends on it. Katie comes from the untouched wilderness of Southern Maryland, makes her home in the concrete jungle of Memphis, Tennessee, and plans to someday retire to a certain mountain peak in Appalachia to raise goats and rescue pitbulls.  Her hair is curly, her wit is sharp, and if you need to know more check out

CHRISTOPHER P. MOONEY was born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland, and currently lives and writes in a small house near London, England. At various times in his life he has been a supermarket cashier, a shelf stacker, a barman, a cinema usher, a carpet-fitter’s laborer and a foreign-language assistant. He is now a professional teacher of French and English and an amateur writer of eclectic poetry as well as crime, horror and adult fiction. In addition to two poems on this site, his stories have been published by Crooked Holster, Spelk Fiction, Dead Guns Press, Devolution Z, Out of the Gutter, Yellow Mama, Horror-Sleaze-Trash, Romance Magazine and Open Pen.

REHAN QAYOOM is a poet of English and Urdu, editor, translator and archivist, educated at Birkbeck College, University of London. He has featured in numerous literary publications and performed his work internationally.  He is the author ofAbout Time and other books.

MATTHEW BORCZON is a nurse and navy sailor from Erie, Pa. He writes about his time in Afghanistan from 2010-11 and all he saw there. His work has been in many small press journals including Big Hammer, Busted Dharma, Dissident Voice, and Dead Snakes, as well as others. His chapbook A clock of human boneswill be published by the Yellow Chair Review in early 2016.

SLOAN THOMAS writes some and reads a lot. Some of her favorite stories are in SmokeLong Quarterly, Word Riot, Revolution John, and Jersey Devil Press. She has stories in some of those publications as well.

BARRETT WARNER is the author of Why Is It So Hard to Kill You? (2016, Somondoco) and My Friend Ken Harvey (2014, Publishing Genius).

AL ORTOLANI‘s poetry and reviews have appeared, or are forthcoming, in journals such as Rattle, Prairie Schooner, New Letters, and the New York Quarterly. He has published six collections of poetry. His Waving Mustard in Surrender (NYQ Books) was short-listed for the Milt Kessler Poetry Book Award from Binghamton University. A seventh collection, Paper Birds Don’t Fly, will be released by New York Quarterly Books in April of 2016. His poems been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.

THOMAS O’ CONNELL is a librarian living on the banks of the Hudson River in Beacon, NY, where he happens to be the 2015-2016 poet laureate. His poetry and short fiction has appeared in Elm Leaves Journal, Caketrain, NANO Fiction, The Broken Plate, and The Los Angeles Review, as well as other print and online journals.

EVAN JONES is a multi-media artist based in Atlanta, Georgia.

NICK GREGORIO lives, writes, and teaches in Philadelphia. His fiction has appeared in Crack the Spine, Yellow Chair Review, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, and more. He is a contributing writer and assistant editor for the arts and culture blog, Spectrum Culture, and currently serves as fiction editor for Driftwood Press. He earned his MFA from Arcadia University in May 2015 and has fiction forthcoming in Zeit|Haus, Down in the Dirt, and Hypertrophic Literary.

CHRISTOPHER D. DiCICCO was born in Pennsylvania during the winter of 1981. He is the author of So My Mother, She Lives in the Clouds and other stories (Hypertrophic Press). His work has been nominated for Pushcart, Best of the Net, and Best Indie Lit New England, and has appeared in such places as Superstition Review, WhiskeyPaper, and Bartleby Snopes. Visit for more.

DENNIS MAHAGIN is a poet from Montana.
With each passing day he has less, and less
and less to say. Google his sorry ass anyway
if the spirit must move. We are all but dust.

DEBASIS MUKHOPADHYAY lives and writes in Montreal, Canada. He has a PhD in literary studies from Université Laval, Quebec and poems published in several magazines in the USA & UK including Yellow Chair Review, Thirteen Myna Birds, Of/With, Silver Birch Press, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Foliate Oak, Eunoia Review, Snapping Twig, Fragments of Chiaroscuro, Words Surfacing, The Curly Mind, I am not a silent poet, With Painted Words. Follow him at or @dbasis_m on Twitter.

TONY PRESS tries to pay attention and sometimes he does. His short story collection, Crossing the Lines, was published in January, 2016 by Big Table Publishing. About 100 of stories and poems can be found in many fine journals. He lives near San Francisco but has no website.

PETER CHERCHES is a writer and jazz singer from Brooklyn. He’s the author of Lift Your Right Arm (Pelekinesis, 2013) and two previous volumes of short prose. His work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies.

BRADLEY LASTNAME moved to Chicago in 1978 and began creating a body of work that raised dada, existentialism and the absurd to a new level. His work…2- and 3- dimensional collages, paintings, sculpture, poetry and prose…has been published, shown in museums and galleries, and presented in one-man shows, throughout the U.S.

MEG POKRASS’ third collection of flash fiction, The Dog Looks Happy Upside Down(Etruscan Press) will be released in 2016. Meg’s stories and poems have appeared in McSweeney’s, Five Points, The Literarian, storySouth, Smokelong Quarterly, Wigleaf, The Rumpus and over 230 print and online literary journals. Her work appears in anthologies such as Flash Fiction International (W.W. Norton) andROADSIDE CURIOSITIES: Stories about American Pop Culture (University of Leipzig Press). Meg co-founded The Flash Fiction Collective reading series in San Francisco and serves as an associate editor for Frederick Barthelme’s New World Writing. Meg teaches flash fiction to university programs and works with students privately by request. See more about her at

PATRICK TROTTI can be found online at

TOBI ALFIER is a multiple Pushcart nominee and a Best of the Net nominee.  Her most current chapbooks are “The Coincidence of Castles” from Glass Lyre Press, and “Romance and Rust” from Blue Horse Press. Her collaborative full-length collection, “The Color of Forgiveness”, is available from Mojave River Press. She is the co-editor of San Pedro River Review (

LEN KUNTZ is a writer from Washington State and an editor at the online magazine Literary Orphans.  His story collection THE DARK SUNSHINE debuted from Connotation Press in 2014 and his newest collection, I’M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE AND NEITHER ARE YOU releases from Unknown Press in March of 2016.  You can also find him at

CL BLEDSOE is the author of the young adult novel Sunlight, three poetry collections, _____(Want/Need), Anthem, and Leap Year, and a short story collection called Naming the Animals. A minichap, Texas, was recently published by Mud Luscious Press. His story, “Leaving the Garden,” was selected as a Notable Story of 2008 for Story South’s Million Writer’s Award and his story “The Scream” was selected as a Notable Story for 2010. He’s been nominated for the Pushcart Prize 5 times and Best of the Webs twice. Bledsoe has written reviews for The Hollins Critic, The Arkansas Review, American Book Review, The Pedestal Magazine, Prick of the Spindle, and elsewhere.

BARRY GRAHAM is the author of the novella, Nothing or Next to Nothing and three collections of short fiction, This Isn’t Who We Are, Not a Speck of Light is Showing and The National Virginity Pledge, which was a finalist for the NGI Book Award. He is a regular contributor for Revolution John.

MICHAEL MCINNIS lives in Boston and spent six years in the Navy sailing across the Pacific and Indian Oceans to the Persian Gulf three times, chasing white whales and ending up only with madness. He has published poetry and short fiction in 1947, The Commonline Journal, Cream City Review, Dead Snakes, Dissident Voice, Literary Yard, Monkeybicycle, Rasputin Poetry, and other little magazines and small presses.

ISAAC BOONE DAVIS is a writer, furniture mover, personal trainer, life coach and career criminal who lives and works throughout the United States. His stories can be found in, Smokelong Quarterly, Fiction 365, P.I.F., The Blue Lake Review and Efiction. He thinks bruises are the new black and generally finds himself to be much funnier than others do. He can be found at or simply rooting loudly and violently for his Kentucky Wildcats.

RON HOUCHIN lives on the banks of the Ohio River across from his hometown, Huntington, West Virginia. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in The Southwest Review, New Orleans Review, Kansas City Star, Poetry Ireland Review and many others. His newest book of poems, The Man Who Saws Us in Half, from LSU Press’s Southern Messenger Poets Series was awarded the Weatherford Award for poetry in 2013.

ANDREA WYATT is the author of three poetry collections. Her work has appeared lately or is forthcoming in The Copperfield Review, Gargoyle and Gravel. Wyatt’s poem Sunday Morning Gingerbread was nominated for a 2015 Pushcart. She works for the National Park Service in Washington, DC and is associate editor of poetry journal By&By.

JACK C. BUCK lives in Denver, Colorado. He thanks you for reading his work. He can be found on Twitter @Jack_C_Buck

ANNE ELIZABETH WEISGERBER teaches literature and composition, and edits fiction at Indianola Review. She has work forthcoming in Tahoma Literary Review, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, and Vignette Review. She tweets @AEWeisgerber, and thanks Kathy Fish for prompting this piece.

JAMES CROAL JACKSON’s poetry has appeared in The Bitter Oleander, Columbia College Literary Review, Glassworks, and other publications. He grew up in Akron, Ohio, spent a few years in Los Angeles, traveled the country in his Ford Fiesta, and now lives in Columbus, Ohio. Find more at

ROBERT JAMES RUSSELL is the author of the novel Mesilla (Dock Street Press) and the chapbook Don’t Ask Me to Spell It Out (WhiskeyPaper Press). He is the co-founder and Managing Editor of the literary journal Midwestern Gothic and the founder of the online literary journal CHEAP POP. Find him online at and @robhollywood.

JIM VALVIS has placed poems or stories in Arts & Letters, Barrow Street, Natural Bridge, Ploughshares, River Styx, Southern Indiana Review, The Sun, and many others. His poetry was featured in Verse Daily. His fiction was chosen for Sundress Best of the Net. A former US Army soldier, he lives near Seattle.

JOE KAPITAN – Architect. Consultant. Cyclist. Husband. Dad. Neatfreak. College football fan. Microbrew drinker. Good teeth. Ugly feet. Writer of short fiction. Online publications (past and pending) include PANK, elimae, Smokelong Quarterly, Annalemma, Necessary Fiction, LITSNACK, Emprise Review, Corium, Metazen, The Northville Review, Eunoia Review, Apocrypha & Abstractions, and Used Furniture Review.

A.L. ERWIN writes Southern Pulp. Sometimes she does it well. Mostly, she slings drinks until the day comes that she doesn’t. She is the author of A Ballad Concerning Black Betty or the Retelling of a Man Killer and Her Machete, which is available on Amazon. Her short stories can be found at Cheap Pop and Shotgun Honey. Erwin is currently working on her second novel about some hard fuckers from Eastern Kentucky.

TOM LEINS spent two years working as a film critic for esteemed (but now-defunct) UK movie magazine DVD Monthly. Since the magazine closed down in 2009 he has contributed to a variety of websites, not least Devon & Cornwall Film – which showcases ‘Sex, Leins & Videotape‘ – his increasingly sporadic DVD column. Over the last decade Tom’s short stories have been published in magazines and on websites all over the world. He is currently working on an increasingly demented series of ‘Paignton Noir’ novels including: ‘Thirsty & Miserable’, ‘All Is Swell In The Grinding Light’, ‘Once Upon A Time In The Projects’, ‘Exile On Winner Street’ and ‘Tropical Malady’. Broadly categorised as ‘Psycho-Noir’, the books blend Psycho-Geography and Noir to disturbing, sometimes entertaining, effect. An experimental novel about the amateur wrestling industry – entitled ‘Hardcore Got Stale’ – is also on the agenda.

JOHN LOWTHER’s work appears in the anthologies, The Lattice Inside (UNO Press, 2012) and Another South: Experimental Writing in the South(U of Alabama, 2003). Held to the Letter, co-authored with Dana Lisa Young is forthcoming from Lavender Ink.

JD DEHART is a writer and teacher. He has recently been nominated for Best of the Net, and his chapbook, The Truth About Snails, is available on Amazon.

RAY SHEA’s writing has appeared in The RumpusThe WeeklingsFourteen Hills,Sundog Lit, and elsewhere. A native of Boston and New Orleans, he lives and writes in Austin, Texas.

KIRBY FIELDS is from Joplin, Missouri. He holds an MFA in Playwriting from Carnegie Mellon and has had his work produced or developed in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, DC, Ann Arbor, and Kansas City. He lives in Washington Heights with his wife and two sons. Track his novel-in-progress at

MARCUS SPEH is a German writer and author of Thank You For Your Sperm (MadHat Press, 2013). He lives in Berlin, blogs at and is on Twitter @marcus_speh.

ROD DIXON lives in Kentucky with his wife and two children.  His short-stories have appeared in several journals, most recently Red Rock ReviewEuphony, and Edge. He is the former non-fiction editor of the now defunct Ontologica: A Journal of Art and Thought. He can be followed on Twitter @rodldixon.

DONORA HILLARD-HARE is the author of the play The Plagiarist (NEA, 2015) as well as The Aphasia Poems (2014) and several other works by hybrid texts, poetry, and theory. Find her at and on Twitter @donora_ann.

GARRET SCHUELKE is a writer and blogger residing in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has self-published two poetry ebooks, and has had his work featured in publications such as Revolution John, A Thousand and One Stories, Eskimo Pie, and Schlock! Webzine. He can be reached at and @garretschuelke

BENJAMIN DREVLOW was the winner of the 2006 Many Voices Project and the author of a collection of short stories, Bend With the Knees and Other Love Advice From My Father (New Rivers Press, 2008). His fiction has also appeared intheFiction Southeast and Passages North. He is the fiction editor at BULL: Men’s Fiction, teaches writing at Georgia Southern University, and lives in Statesboro, Georgia.

ANDREW STANCEK grew up in Bratislava and saw tanks rolling through its streets.  He claims direct descent from Janosik, the Slovak Robin Hood.  That may be a tall tale.  In the world of reality he writes, dreams and entertains Muses in southwestern Ontario.  His work has appeared in Tin House online, Every Day Fiction, fwriction, Necessary Fiction, Pure Slush, Prime Number Magazine, r.kv.r.y, Camroc Press Review and Blue Five Notebook, among many other publications.  He’s been a winner in the Flash Fiction Chronicles and Gemini Fiction Magazine contests and been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. The novels and short story collections are nearing completion.

BRIAN ALAN ELLIS is the author of King Shit and Something Good, Something Bad, Something Dirty. His writing has appeared in JukedCrossed OutZygote in My CoffeeMonkeybicycleDOGZPLOTConteSundog LitConnotation PressVol. 1 BrooklynHTMLGIANTThat Lit SiteDiverse Voices QuarterlyThe Heavy ContortionistsflashquakeOut of the GutterSpittoonSpryNAPElectric LiteratureThe Next Best Book BlogEntropyRevolution JohnThe Round Up Writer’s ZineGravel, and Atticus Review, among other places. He does windmills and crazy roundhouse kicks in Tallahassee, Florida.

DAVID JOY is the author of Where All Light Tends To Go (Putnam, 2014). He lives in North Carolina.

ANDREW GRAY SIEGRIST is a graduate student at the University of New Orleans. He is  from Nashville, Tennessee.

HEATHER SULLIVAN has appeared or has work forthcoming in Corium Magazine, Busted Dharma and Chiron Review.  She lives in Revere, MA with her family and a small herd of cats.

KATHY FISH’s stories are forthcoming or have appeared in The Lineup: 20 Provocative Women Writers (Black Lawrence Press, 2015), Slice, Guernica, Indiana Review and various other journals and anthologies. She is the author of three collections of short fiction: Together We Can Bury It (The Lit Pub, 2013), Wild Life (Matter Press, 2012), and a chapbook in A Peculiar Feeling of Restlessness (Rose Metal Press, 2008). She has recently joined the faculty of the Mile High MFA at Regis University in Denver where she will be teaching flash fiction.

PAUL BECKMAN has published numerous short stories, flash & micro fiction. He’s had two collections published; several stories adapted as plays and earned his MFA from Bennington College. Some publishing credits: Exquisite Corpse, ONTHEBUS, Connecticut Review, Soundzine, 5 Trope, Playboy, Web del Sol, Long Story Short & The Scruffy Dog Review. Others can be found at his published story website

PETER SCHWARTZ has 5 chapbooks: ‘the nowhere glow’, ‘amnesia diary’, ‘TELL ME’, ‘IN PRAISE OF all PARANOIAS’, and ‘Old Men, Girls, and Monsters’. He recently completed a full-length poetry collection ‘disciples (singers and destroyers)’ and is also the Poet-in-Residence at Revolution John See more at:

YUAN CHANGMING published monographs on translation before leaving his native country. Currently, Yuan edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Credits include ten Pushcart nominations, eight chapbooks & publications in Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17) & BestNewPoemsOnline, among nearly 1,600 others across 43 countries.